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Local Partners Impacts Golden Valley

The Golden Valley Community Foundation provides local business leaders with the power of positive influence. Your support for our community leaves a lasting impact for future generations.  Do you have a local investment project in mind?  Looking to support an existing program?  Want to have employees collaborate with GVCF?  We can do that!   #DoMoreGood

Your business makes a real difference

When you or your employees have the desire to make a lasting impact through charitable giving and volunteerism, we’re here to make it easier.  As a community foundation, we are ideally suited to help your employees achieve their local impact goals.  #DoMoreGood

We can match your company with the causes you care deeply about and offer opportunities for connection with local charitable organizations and emerging community needs.  From arts and culture, to recreation, education and sustainability, we are a neutral resource that works with the entire nonprofit sector to improve livability within our community for today and for future generations.


Flexible fund options

GVCF has numerous funds established to meet community needs  We are able to create specific designated funds, donor advised funds as well as other vehicles that provide ongoing investment in community. #DoMoreGood


Working with you to help your clients meet their legacy objectives is our goal.  Our  Investment Partners Program is an ideal value-added partnership avenue to keep you involved in meeting your clients long term objectives while helping meet GVCF philanthropic objectives.

GVCF Means Community

Golden Valley is a thriving community with many individuals and organizations actively seeking opportunities for engagement and philanthropy. The Golden Valley Community Foundation (GVCF) is unique as a nonprofit public charity created by and for the people of Golden Valley to help serve the needs of residents, neighbors and those who work in the area. 

Since 2011, we have been investing in Golden Valley to support causes and programs that enhance livability in Golden Valley.  With the help of local and global donors including individuals, corporate partners and support from other non-profits, we have given more than $650,000 back to the community through grants, programs and other donations. The Impact Report highlights just a fraction of our community engagement.

Your involvement makes all the difference. #DoMoreGood

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