A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Tax ID/EIN: 76-0734171
Your donation is fully tax deductible under IRS regulations.
Do more GooD
The Golden Valley Community Foundation uses philanthropy, community initiatives and funding support to address the changing needs and interests of Golden Valley neighbors and friends.
Participate in our Community Survey 2022!
GVCF is your local non-profit community foundation dedicated to #DoMoreGood in Golden Valley.
Our community's new opportunities to connect and grow mean GVCF's impact during our season of giving is more important than ever.
Ready to donate? You can donate anytime here on our website. Other opportunities to support GVCF include Give to the Max Day November 16. Giving Tuesday is November 28th. Make your donation do it's best work directly in our own community and Donate Today.
Considering a long-term giving plan? GVCF is available to assist with estate planning, donor advised fund creation, your own community fund and much more.
Philanthropy: How it Works
A community foundation is a tax exempt, non-profit, publicly supported philanthropic organization with the long term goal of building permanent, named funds, for the broad-based public benefit of the residents in a given area.
The common mission of every community foundation is to enhance the quality of life in the local area. Community foundations carry out this very broad mission by building permanent endowment funds and using a portion of the annual income to support a variety of local nonprofit organizations through grants and special projects.
Small Sparks projects are activities and events that enhance the physical, cultural, and intellectual vitality of Golden Valley. Small Sparks Grants strengthen the community, encourage individuals to take action in creative and constructive ways, and draw upon the personal interests of the organizers. These grants are awarded for new and existing projects.
Based on demand these grants are currently limited to $1,000 or less per grant cycle. Applications are accepted at any time, with grants awarded in April and October.
10 Years
and Growing!
The Golden Valley Community Foundation donors and volunteers make a tremendous impact in our wonderful community. Since 2011, GVCF donors invested more than $650,000 back to Golden Valley through grants, programs and other donations.
The GVCF Impact Report highlights just a fraction of this impact. Your support enables this work. And its your support that drives us to #Do More Good in our next decade of service and beyond.
GVCF works to assist many local organizations through our grant programs, including COVID19 Grants and Small Sparks Grants. In 2023 the board endorsed adding Kids Give to our line of Micro Grants, providing grant funds to kids through their schools so they can also #DoMoreGood
We encourage you to support the foundation as well as direct support of some of the local organizations we support below in whatever way you can. Many are looking for volunteers to help. To keep it easy and help the entire community of local organizations, consider an investment in the GVCF Foundation Fund to #DoMoreGood right here in Golden Valley.