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GVCF Foundation Fund

GVCF Foundation Fund supports community outreach, staff support, equity development, capacity building and broadens our impact in our local community.  #DoMoreGood

Areas We Support


Small Sparks Grants


Global Golden Valley


Volunteer Fair


Pride Festival


Sweet Potato Comfort Pie


Meadowbrook Calming Corner


SEA School Science Fair


Robbinsdale Schools PPE Drive


Sustainability Day


Golden Valley
Lilac Project


Market in

the Valley

Farmer's Market


PRISM Food Shelf


COVID19 Grants:

Damascus Way

YMCA New Hope



Help at your door


Arts & Music Festival


Artist Showcase


Public Art Proposals


Golden Valley Orchestra

GVCF Impact Report

The Golden Valley Community Foundation Impact Report reflects on the impact our donors make in this wonderful community. Since 2011, our donors have given more than $420,000 back to the community through grants, programs and other donations. The Impact Report highlights just a fraction of that impact. Your support has enabled this work and it’s what has brought us this far. 

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Damascus Way


Damascus Way Reentry Center provides reentry leadership and services using a Christ-Centered approach.


Their core service model supports residents with: a stable housing pathway, employment and career readiness programming, and healthy community connections-all aiming at reversing the cycle of recidivism.



YMCA New Hope


Hunger Solutions Minnesota works to end hunger in our state. We take action to assure food security for all Minnesotans by supporting programs and agencies that provide food to those in need, advancing sound public policy, and guiding grassroots advocacy.



Tree House


TreeHouse has been serving teens since 1979, helping them build relationships and resiliency rooted in living hope. We’re based in Minnesota, but we have sites across the country. Each of our sites host programs that give teens a safe space to find support and belonging. Through mentorships, retreats, and other off-site activities, teens have the opportunity to build even deeper relationships with peers and caring adults.




The ultimate goal of BeKind2People is to transform hopelessness into endless possibility for families and individuals in our community. We believe that by giving people access to sustainable resources that will assist in overcoming obstacles and barriers, our program can be the catalyst that an individual or family may need to regain confidence and composure, and assist in redirecting the course of their lives. These resources include counseling services, education and nutrition programs, veteran’s assistance, help with overcoming addiction, financial and housing programs, assistance with job placement, as well as food and health programs.




Golden Valley Community Foundation provided early partnership with PRISM to support our local community with a grant to PRISM’s program supporting kids' lunches and family support.


With volunteers staying at home to slow the spread of COVID19, the nonprofit PRISM is stretching staff to supply food to clients during the COVID19 crisis. Fewer donors are bringing in food, so the nonprofit asks people to go online and consider signing up to donate monthly.


Help at your door (HAYD) 

8441 Wayzata Blvd #160, Golden Valley, MN 55426


Help At Your Door is a nonprofit serving seniors and individuals with disabilities across Minnesota’s seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area. Our Store To Door grocery assistance, home support and transportation services provide help with in-home tasks and chores.


Most are unable to shop outside home under normal conditions. All are at risk of COVID-19. HAYD shops food
shelves and groceries. Volunteers personally deliver food and other essential items to their constituents. Constituents pay on a sliding scale of $0 - full cost of products delivered.

Cheerful Seniors

Schaper Community Playground

The city recently celebrated the opening of the state’s first “outdoor fitness challenge course” in Schaper Park, just west of Theodore Wirth Park off Hwy. 55. The course allows kids and adults to race against time - and each other - through a 40-yard dash and an obstacle area. This project was supported by generous donors to the Golden Valley Community Foundation.

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Sweet Potato Comfort Pies

With a grant from Golden Valley Community Foundation, Rose McGee expanded the Sweet Potato Comfort Pie project. The volunteers bake and delivering Sweet Potato pies to communities who have been impacted by violence and racial unrest.

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