A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Tax ID/EIN: 76-0734171
Your donation is fully tax deductible under IRS regulations.
Thank you to our DONORS
Your support and generosity are appreciated.
Our donors are critical for our success - funders and in-kind donors as well as volunteer teams
- all help GVCF make an impact in Golden Valley. #DoMoreGood
Here is where we list individuals and family donors this year. Do corporate donors the same on another Page?
Donor level 1
Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.
Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.
Donor Level 2
Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.
Describe the key features of the service and how users can benefit from it.
Here is where we list individuals and family donors Cumulative since 2012. Do corporate donors the same on another Page? This group has been instrumental in our sustained growth. We can also set up Legacy on this page or ....?