A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Tax ID/EIN: 76-0734171
Your donation is fully tax deductible under IRS regulations.
Small Sparks MicroGrants
GVCF's Donors are the heart of the Small Sparks Grants program, and a cornerstone of our mission. So many community favorites used a GVCF Small Spark to launch and grow. Thank You Donors! #DoMoreGood

About Small Sparks MicroGrants
Small Sparks projects are activities and events that enhance the physical, cultural, and intellectual vitality of Golden Valley. Small Sparks Grants strengthen the community, encourage individuals to take action in creative and constructive ways, and draw upon the personal interests of the organizers. These grants are awarded for new and existing projects.
Based on demand these grants are currently limited to $1,000 or less per grant cycle.
Applications are accepted at any time, with grants awarded year round.
Consideration for Grants
Consideration for Grants
As you complete your application, be certain that:
Your project is carefully thought out, with a scope of work, a plan of action, a budget for the project, and you have the individuals needed to implement it.
You have a realistic timetable for implementing the project.
Your application is completed and submitted within the prescribed time frame.
You will be able to provide information to the GVCF Board within 12 months of receiving the funds. You will need to verify the completion of your project, account for expenses, and share the outcomes of your work.
If you are a non-profit 501(c)(3), or public agency, you provide documentation of your IRS status.
Your project serves Golden Valley according to the Foundation’s purpose and community focus.
As part of the selection process, you, or a representative, may be asked to personally visit with members of the Golden Valley Community Foundation to discuss your project and answer any questions.
Based on demand these grants are currently limited to $1,000 or less per grant cycle. Applications are accepted at any time, with grants awarded year round as long as grant funds are available.
Sample Questions
Briefly describe the purpose of the project or program, the need it addresses, the goal and how it benefits the community of Golden Valley.
How will you measure the success of your project?
Give the names, experience, and describe briefly the role of the individuals who will supervise or implement the project:
Geographic area to be served
Summarize your budget request:Total project budget: $
Small Sparks Grant amount requested: $
Anticipated implementation dates: Show itemized project budget (please attach) -
Are you planning to approach other funding sources? If so, please list:
If you do not get the full amount of your request, is your project still viable?
Have you submitted a prior grant request for funds from the Golden Valley Community Foundation?________ No ________ Yes: If so, was it: _______approved ______declined Date:__________Comments:
Please describe any relationship, or interest, with members of the Golden Valley Community Foundation which might be considered a conflict of interest if not declared.
Prior to submission
If, prior to completing your application, you would like to contact the Golden Valley Community Foundation (GVCF), to gauge the merit of your application, please contact us via email or leave a detailed message outlining your project, at 612-567-0086.
We value your dedication and appreciate your community building efforts. Please note, these funds are not meant to support general operating budgets, but to serve as sparks of creativity to enhance experiences of the end recipients in Golden Valley.
Based on demand these grants are currently limited to $1,000 or less per grant cycle. Applications are accepted at any time, with grants awarded regularly as grant funds are available.
Thank you for your application.
Community Focus
The Golden Valley Community Foundation serves as a steward for community building. Our grants are intended to be a catalyst for positive change in Golden Valley that:
foster community engagement and
provide recreation and/or
support the arts and/or
care for the environment and/or
bring visitors to the community to work, shop and play